Sunday, May 5, 2013

Summing Up a Semester Of Blogging!

Hello Obsessionites,

In case you couldn't tell by the grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or basic blog layout, this semester I started blogging for the first time. 

Thanks to this class I have learned how to create a voice, share audio and video, and use both compost and HTML in my blog. It was rough some weeks when I couldn't find an obsession to talk about, but this is a hobby I have grown to love. 

In honor of the end of the semester I will use this blog post to share with you all the three things I am obsessed with when it comes to blogging. 

Maybe this will encourage a few of you to come up with a quirky title and start your own!

#1 I love how easy it is to upload videos from YouTube. This especially came in handy with my "The Wondrous Life of YouTube" blog post! I have never loved extended content online with tons of copy to look over. The only way to keep my attention is to add a picture, meme, or video into the mix! 
Adorable Children = Guaranteed Winner
#2 I have to give it to my boy! For a newbie  this was the perfect platform to start my first blog. Clean layouts, easy to design, and simple to use edits and upload capabilities. 

Create a Blog Today!
Thanks to you Blogger, I have now become a believer in my own inner blogger!

#3 This might sound weird, but having an outlet where I can be myself. Having the opportunity to create a voice, a concept, and a vision for something that is totally my own is something I am defiantly obsessed with! I thought it would be hard to have a relatively one way conversation with the world every week; but as the weeks passed it became easier to stick with my voice and share my obsessions. 

My advice to you all, give blogging a chance! Blogging can be a great way to celebrate the simple things or vent about the frustrating moments. Either way, it never hurts to try! 

Are you already a blogger extraordinaire? Comment in the space below about your reasons for blogging.

Until Next Sunday!

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