Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hello Obsessionites!

First off, Happy Spring! The long awaited day has finally made its debut! Spring is my favorite time of the year! All the snow melts away, flowers bloom, and everything just gets happier. So, this week I decided to stick with the turn of the season theme and share with you the three things I am obsessed with when it comes to spring!

#1. Warm Weather!!! Snow is probably my worst enemy. I have lived in the Northeast my entire life, so I have yet to escape to a place without it. But, I'm working on that! Spring is a happy medium between winter and summer. Not too hot, not too cold. It may still be a little too cold for my liking right now, but The Weather Channel keeps me up to date on how much longer I have to wait until sanity strikes and I'll be warm again!

#2 Spring Break! I love a vacation for no reason. As a college student we have Thanksgiving off, Winter Recess for Christmas and New Years, and Easter Break. But, the best one of all is Spring Break! A week off completely devoted to doing whatever you want; a week with no family obligations. Personally, I love going home and doing nothing but relaxing in front of the TV for all seven days! 

#3 Baseball Season! As someone who grew up loving the game there is no way this couldn't be my favorite season! The smell of freshly cut grass, the roar of an excited crowd! I will forever love the game and in junction forever love spring. My favorite team, of course the New York Yankees! My goal this spring is to make it to at least one home game. If you're interested in seeing the Yankees play in the Bronx check out their 2013 schedule!

Do you love spring as much as me? Or you a fan of one of the other three seasons? Share with me in the comments below!

Until Next Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Caitlin,

    I have to agree with you, winter weather's the absolute worst, and we've seen far too much snow this year for my liking. It's great to finally have some nice, warm weather and actually be able to look presentable outside. I just wish that our school's spring break actually happened after it started to get nice, it almost felt like a second winter recess.
