Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter Obsessionites!

Hello Obsessionites!

Happy Easter Sunday one and all! 
In honor of this very special Sunday I decided to dedicate this post to my three favorite Easter traditions! 

#1. Painting Easter eggs on Saturday night. 
Yes, I am 22 years old. Yes, I do still paint Easter eggs. This year my mom bought this deluxe PAAS painting kit for myself, my brother Dan and our friend James. We really stepped into the big leagues this year with this kit! It not only had the typical dye tablets; you know, the ones that you stick in a cup of vinegar and stink up the entire kitchen; but it also had glitter glue, sequins, stencils, stickers and an invisible crayon. I'm sure you are all probably thinking the same thing as I did when I opened the kit. How does an invisible crayon work on a hard boiled egg? Well a surprise to me was that it actually did work, and it's simple. All you need is a clean hard boiled egg and you can draw whatever design on the egg with this fancy crayon and then when you dip it in the dye you can see the design. Needless to say PAAS has really come a long way when it comes to the egg coloring game! 

Painting Eggs with James and Dan

#2. Easter Egg Hunt!!!
So, my family is pretty close, as in we live at most 7 minutes apart. That's right 28 people living at most 7 minutes a part. Needless to say we are not waiting for the holidays to get together. But, when the holidays come along we find something to turn into a competition. Easter is a holiday that already comes with a game, but this game with the Shannons is a hole new story! 9 kids running around crazy on my aunt and uncles lawn, typical Easter Sunday. This is a tradition, probably in everyone's home, but this sweet game in my family is a serious competition. 9 kids ranging in age from 23 to 9, and everyone seeks no prisoners. 

#3. Easter Baskets!
I'm sure none of you are shocked that this 22 year old girl still gets a basket from the Easter Bunny on Sunday morning. Especially after hearing about my night of painting Easter eggs and my afternoon of intense hunt with my cousins. In my house the Easter Bunny never disappoints. This year, besides the extreme amounts of candy, I also received two movies and sandals. I'm not sure if the Easter Bunny has any sort of naught or nice list, but after this year I know I'm on it!

Let me know what are your favorite Easter traditions in the comments below! 

Until Next Sunday!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Caitlin,
    Glad to hear you had a great Easter. I have to say that I love this week’s post because Easter is my absolute favorite holiday and it’s fun reading about all of your family traditions. Surprisingly, I’ve never painted an Easter egg and the fact that such a huge age range of kids still has an egg hunt is adorable.

    This may sound a little old-school, but my favorite Easter tradition has to be going to church with my family. The Resurrection Sunday service is nothing short of amazing each year.
