Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Home Away from Home!

Hello Obsessionites,

I currently attend St. John's University for my undergraduate degree and with Accepted Students Day; an open house for all high school seniors who were accepted for the next academic year; right around the corner my mind turns to all the things I love about St. John's!

St. John's University Queens Campus Great Lawn

From exciting basketball games at Madison Square Garden to late nights in the student center; these have been an amazing four years. 

So, in honor of my urge to relive the "glory days" I share with you the three things tat I am obsessed with most about St. John's University!

The STJ is great with giving out free stuff. Hoodies, t-shirts, beanies, snap-backs, and so much more! In my first semester at St. John's I already obtained enough red STJ shirts for a whole load of wash!

The best part is that in order to get all these free things you have to go to events. Events such as Men's Soccer Games, Java Johnnies Coffee House, and Spring Fling; just to name a few. 

Spring Fling my Freshman Year!

As an undergraduate I get to go to FREE events; most of the time where I get FREE food; and then I get FREE gifts!


#3) MVP Points
This does overlap somewhat with my first point; but this is an amazing program that I just have to highlight. 

The MVP Student Reward Program is an program unique to St. John's. It was put into place the first semester my freshman year and I have been obsessed with it ever since. 

Here's how it works! 
First! You go to events and swipe your StormCard so it tracks your attendance. (Note that each event is worth different number of points)

Second! You have a great time at the event!

Third! You go at the end of the month to Campus Concierge and spend your MVP Points on MORE FREE THINGS!!! 

Some of my favorite things I got with my MVP Points are a STJ Nike Backpack, a STJ Snuggie, $40 gift card to Barnes and Noble, and STJ Nike Jacket! 
I know it's good to be me!

#4) Opportunities that open up to you when you get involved!
I am someone who is very involved on campus and this has open so many doors for me that I didn't know existed!

From being involved I have been able to be apart of Town Hall Meetings with the President of the University. I have been invited to focus groups on the marketing and image of the University. I attended a taste testing for catering on campus. I have attended Faculty Council Meetings in my college as a representative of the students in my college. These experiences are only the first few I can think off the top of my hear; trust me there are so much more. 

If I could pass on one bit of advise to any college hopeful I would say get involved and attend events. Obtaining the true full blown college experiences means to embrace all that college or university has to offer. So, join organizations, go to all different types of events, and just get involved!

Thanks for listing to my rant! To all my fellow collegiate obsessionites, share the things you are most obsessed about when it comes to your school in the comments below!

Until Next Sunday!

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