Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Adding Some Optimism to Finals Week!

Hello Obsessionites!

It's that time of the year! The dreaded and never avoidable Finals Week! For myself, this Thursday marks the start of a week of no sleep, no fun, and more memorization that my brain can handle. 

I figured I would take this time to channel my inner optimist, no matter how small it actually is, and share with you my three positive obsessions with finals week. 

Yes, I understand if you are reading this and rolling your eyes while mumbling to yourself what a nerd, but continue a little further down the page and you'll understand what I am getting at. 

First off we have late night cramming sessions. Yes, they are horrible, especially if you are anything like me you are probably trying to learn all of Metaphysics in one night! On the bright side, it is a time of delusional fun with your friends. I agree the more fun the less studying one is actually accomplishing, but if it is all reading, writing, and cramming you will get frustrated and nowhere fast! Trust me! This is my eight consecutive finals week so I may know a thing or two.  

While I understand most of these nights will be like this:
Try to make it more like this:
And ALWAYS avoid this:

Another thing I am obsessed with when it comes to finals week is Pizza Night! A little background, my parents are the best! 

This tradition started spring my sophomore year of college when my parents decided on a mini incentive program for finals week. Yes, they know me and my love for food way too well! The night of Study Day, the day before the first day of finals at STJ, my parents order pizza for myself and my friends! 

Free dinner to a college student is a dream! Free Pizza could not come at a better time then at the end of the semester when everyone is broke and to busy panicking to remember the last time they ate. 

For my final reason of which I am particularly obsessed with this finals week is that it is my LAST finals week of my Undergraduate career! Yes, you read that right! One week and I am done with finals. Less than three weeks and I am walking across that stage! Oh how bitter sweet; but we won't get into anything nostalgic on this post.

I apologize to all you Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors out there who have many more long nights and panicking ahead of you, but I'm out! 

In honor of my favorite childhood pastime! RECESS!

Share your bright side moments, or vent about your anguish, with me in the comment section below! 

Until Next Sunday!

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