Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Wondrous Life of YouTube

Hello Obsessionites,

Recently I have decided to slack a little and make some of my would be productive time into useless hangout time. One thing I have come to be obsessed with are YouTube videos. 

Yes, I'm sure you are all thinking what is the matter with this chic, YouTube has been around forever. 

While yes this is true, I have to say the relationship I used to have with YouTube was on a strictly professional basis; you know official music videos only. I used to think how weird it is for people to put videos of their kids, friends, or animals on the internet for the world to see. 

Welcome to the new me! I think it is genius! Although I may never partake in the making of these awesome videos myself, I do still love them. Here are three 'made from home' videos I can't get enough of.

First off we have the best proposal video ever! A great lip-dub performance by this guy and pretty much everyone he knows is why I have probably shown this to every person I have ever met. This guy is a genius; and I'm slightly jealous of this girl! Honey you got a a real winner here! 

Now for the best kid to ever grace YouTube. Yes it is the Commander in Chief himself, Kid President! I am absolutely in LOVE with this kid! He tells it like it is; always. It's great to hear about 'adult' issues from a kids perspective. Watch his first ever video below and then check out his YouTube channel, Soul Pancake.

My third obsession has to be the 'Call Me Maybe' spoof video by Justin Bieber and crew. This video I have legit seen a hundred times! Not only is it hysterical, and makes you like the celebrities in it so much more, but it is the greatest promotional tool I have ever seen! Justin Bieber signed Carly Rae Jepson, the original artist of the song, and to create buzz about the song throughout the nation he created what would become a spoof sensation!

Fill me in on any amazing videos I have been missing out on in the comments below!

Until Next Sunday!

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