Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A year comes to a close...13 Favorite Frivolous Obsessions of 2013!

Good Evening Obsessionites,

In honor of the last Sunday of 2013; well I started this on Sunday and than the usual procrastination and distraction set in, but I have decided to return to my Obsessionite ways and write again. To embrace my passionate disposition and share with you all my obsessions; the good, the bad and the especially random.

So, as I spent these last days of the year exploring my mental inventory of all my obsessions, passions, and fascinations I decided to return to the life of a witty neophyte blogger and dish out my
13 Favorite Frivolous Obsessions of 2013!

1. True Life: I'm Addicted to Netflix!
           So, this year really transformed this obsession. As Netflix added its own shows like House of Cards and Orange is the New Black it completely stepped up to the plate and showed the world that they are no Blockbuster! Netflix has been there for every one of my random media cravings. Especially when I was interested in finding a TV drama to dive into that was fast-talking, intellectual and full of witty banter; that's when I found The West Wing in my suggestions line on my Netflix homepage. A show my father raved about, but I never thought anything of. Well it only took 3 months after that first episode for my eyes to see the credits roll up the screen of episode 22 of the final season and my addiction to be eternal.
2. Latin Music
            I may not know any of the words, but I sing along to practically every song on my Danza Kuduro Radio on Pandora! I dance around like a fool and mumble over ever lyric, but 2013 was the year of Latina music in my own little world! If you also have the Latin fever I would definitely suggest this playlist to anyone!
3. College Football Rivalry
            My undergraduate institution was a basketball school, so after many games of chanting behind the hoop on the floor of Madison Square Garden, I thought I knew what rivalry was in the world of College Athletics; but a little taste of the Southern ways and wow my eyes flew open. College football; I have never seen such fury and uncontrolled passion from students, administrators, and community members than on game day in Columbia, South Carolina. On average over one hundred thousand people come out to tailgate and cheer on the Gamecocks; and the stadium only holds 80,250 seats! Flat screen TVs, generators, full size roasters/grilles, and party busses fill the mile and something radius of the stadium for hours and hours. It wasn't until my first game that I realized that ESPN calls it  Game Day for a reason; it literally takes up the entire day!
4. Sisterhood!
             This year I made the decision of a lifetime to join a legacy that spans 101 years. I joined an amazing bond of sisterhood! Women who showed me what it meant to be a friend, to be an individual, and to be a leader! My love for these ladies and this organization can never be expressed in the perfect arrangement of words, so instead I say "From the outside looking in you can never understand, and from the inside looking out you can never explain it." Ever loyal, everlasting.
5. Military Family
           This year my family was able to celebrate a major accomplishment. This Veteran's Day my baby brother was contracted into the United States Army as a 2nd Lieutenant pending his college graduation! This also was a dual excitement because this year is the 30th anniversary of when my father became retired from the United States Navy! Their is nothing better than living a life where you fight for the citizens of this fine nation! I am so proud to be related to these two fine men!

6. Southern Lifestyle
           Well as I left the Big Apple for the Dirt South I encountered a culture shock I was not prepared for. Slower walking, talking, and overall living was the first wave of new encounters I experienced when I moved down to South Carolina. Then came the fried food, thick accents, and a love of grits I will never understand. But the large school lifestyle of this SEC institution, Southern hospitality, and beautiful scenery are an added bonus this New Yorker is not accustomed too.
7. Apple Products
             At the end of 2012 I got my first Apple product, an iPhone 5, and two days ago I got a MacBook Pro! I have to say, I have conformed to this very popular brand loyalty and it is definitely worth the investment; but no endorsement is necessary, especially from me, for the brand who spends a million, if that, on advertising each year!
8. New York
             The city that never sleeps will always be my home and this has never been more evident until I left. There is nothing like this amazing city. And if you have never been, well first shame on you, this will need to be on your 2014 bucket list. Especially this view from the Empire State Building over the Macy's in Herald Square!

9. Travel
              I have never left the east coast of North American. A shocking and embarrassing fact. But this is all about to change, because before I ended this fall semester I registered for a class that is a Global Classroom which includes a 10 day spring break to Ireland!!! 100% Irish, I figured I have to go at least once in my life. I do have the travel bug, but have never lived the life, well as I start my 23rd year that is all about to change. You can tell simply by my Pinterest board Breaking out the Brougue you can tell I am more than excited for this adventure. 5 cities in 10 days!!!
10. Diana Nyad!
              Yeah, so if you didn't feel like your 2013 was lazy or unproductive that you didn't hear about Diana Nyad! She is the 65 year old woman who swam from Cuba to Florida. Yeah, that happened this year. Needless to say she is an amazing human being!
11. SnapChat are NOT Selfies
              I do not selfie, I SnapChat. I feel like I spent a chunk of this year correcting peoples accusations that I was taking selfies, when really I was simply SnapChatting. I am not one of those people who take pictures of myself making weird faces because my hair is fabulous or cause my half naked physique is looking particularly good that day and then post those pictures all over Twitter, Instagram and Facebook; no I leave that for the preteens to obliviously overuse.
12. Family Christmas Video?!?
              This family is beyond epic. No intro or caption necessary for this #XMAS Jammies wearing family! Just watch the clip!
13. Yes, I speak in hashtags.
             2013 was a year full of hashtags. And no matter how many people make fun of it, which yes it is well deserved, I still can't help it. Sometimes a situation just calls for a hashtag convo. My favorite convo does go to this dynamic duo of JT and Jimmy Fallon.

Hope everyone had a great 2013 and is ready for an epic 2014, 14 is my favorite number so I'm feeling good things lie ahead. 

Until next Sunday,

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