Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Same Blog, New Purpose!

Greetings Obsessionites,

As I welcome 2014 I embark on my new journey with Sunday Obsessions. Last year around this time this blog was created as a class assignment. Then the class ended and my Sundays turned to laundry, last minute homework, and Netflix instead of laundry, last minute homework and blogging.

Well don't call it a comeback, but this neophyte blogger is back!

I want 2014 to be a year of adventure! A year of curiosity! A year of embracing my obsessions and discovering new ones. But most of all, I want this to be a year where I fill my days with commitment. Commitment to myself, to others, and to my fellow Obsessionites.

A new year brings new opportunities. I want to transform Sunday Obsessions from the class assignment, checklist type dictation it was into an opportunity to bring you along for the sporadic Obsessionite ride that is my life. So, with my predictable procrastination habits in hand I hope you join me in this adventure, that will of course include my frequent obsessions with the random wonders of life, but will also include days where my posts come from days other than Sunday, like my last post, because class has ended and I'm taking the wheel.

All in all, I want my journey to be our journey. I hope you're up for the ride!

Until Next Sunday!

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